
Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 1 Update!

So today was a holiday for me, and I had big plans on what I was going to do ;) Of COURSE, I didn't get all of it done, but I was able to get at least one blog goal accomplished, and that was to think about what I wanted to post about (other than my everyday exploits, of course!) Eventually I want to have separate pages for each content category, but until I figure out how to do that, it'll all just be jumbled together within the blog, and people can use the labels/tags to search for items if they want :)
  • Book Reviews - I have to write them for BookSneeze anyhow, so that will be a part of this blog (because who doesn't want free books in exchange for a few minutes of work?)
  • Recipe Reviews - One of the ways J and I talked about saving money is to cook more and eat pre-made meals less. We're actually already pretty good about that, but J does use some of his "fun" money each week to go to lunch every day. If we make his lunches at home, he can use less "fun" money per week, and we can put those extra few dollars towards something else! That means we'll need to start branching out, recipe wise, since we'll be cooking two meals per day instead of one. So I figure I'll catalog my adventures in new recipes and how they come out!
  • Product Reviews (?) - I'm not sure if this one will warrant it's own page, but I think it's something I'll end up talking about anyhow, so I might as well plan to incorporate it! I love gadgets and "stuff," and I like sharing my opinions, so even if it's not a part of a themed blog, I'm sure I'll end up giving my opinions on stuff I buy :)
For now, that's all I have planned. When I get pregnant someday, I'm sure there will be other sections I can add, and the same for when I actually have kids, but right now all I can talk about are the things I'm currently doing: thinking, planning, reading, and cooking ;)

I also spent some time today looking into advertisement and affiliate marketing, so bear (bare? neither of those options looks right!) with me while I work out the kinks and try to figure out how to best utilize my options for the best results while being as least annoying as possible :) Feel free to let me know how I'm doing!

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